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A combative holding midfielder, Kubeka proved his pedigree when he effortlessly switched from a midfielder to a centre back and for good measure, filled in as a full-back and occasionally doubled-up as an attacking midfielder and even popped in a few goals to boot.
He has been out of the equation for almost a year following a serious fall-out with former Ajax Cape Town’s temperamental coach Muhsin Ertugral whose tantrums was more than Kubeka could take and on a fateful evening while Ajax were playing against Santos in a friendly game, Kubeka erupted like a volcano.
“I am aware that coaches can shout at you and stuff like that,” said Kubeka at the time. “But Ertugral over did things. I refused to be insulted in front of younger players like I was a schoolboy and told the coach how I felt to be contibuously insulted like he was doing.
“Mind you, I was very respectful and mindful of the fact that he was the gaffer. But like I said, he misinterpreted the whole thing and construed it to mean that I was challenging his authority in front of the players and I guess he felt he had to put me in my place,” added Kubeka.
The sad thing about it all is that when two head strong individuals meet head-on with neither prepared to concede an inch, there is bound to be an explosion and when the duo were called to appear in front of the club’s disciplinary committee, Kubeka was found guilty and instructed to apologize – he quit.
No one can doubt Kubeka’s abilities and although hampered by injuries at one stage in his career, he is a class player when fully fit but he has to convince the hard to please Gavin Hunt that he still has what it takes to play at the highest level and command a regular starting place.
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